Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dear Kim - 9/6/02

It's time to move on.
Walk off and shut the door.
This so-called love is gone.
To me you are just a whore.
Remember the crying fits?
When you thought I didn't care?
And your life wasn't worth two shits.
All the thoughts you wouldn't share.
Your friends knew more than I did.
Then they are nice enough to say
How I am the biggest dick.
Cause you didn't get shit your way.
Quit telling me you want to die.
Go get help; your life is a mess.
Cause life is all about getting high.
Why must you cost me all this stress?
You push all your shit in my face.
I give it back to you cause I see the lies.
Your turn to eat shit, how does it taste?
You live life just for the highs.
So I guess my words of wisdom are.
Maybe happiness is bought by money.
It'll take me to the cold Alaska afar.
Thinking about this wasted year will be funny.

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