Sunday, August 23, 2009

Struggle - 12/17/03

I'd do anything to bring them back.
But I can't ever change the past.
I know it hurts you more then me.
But you have a future you gotta see.
It kills me to see the drugs you do.
You don't see from the outsider view.
Don't think you have to die as well.
It rings an all too familiar bell.
Back when your brother passed away,
We knew all the words he would say.
He told Brittany not to ever quit.
And dammit she never willingly did.
Now she's gone and she'd say it too.
But the only one left to tell is you.
You can't always think you're next.
Carry on to tell they were the best.
Don't piss away such a precious soul.
You are what all parents work for.
The best hands guard you in the sky.
All that we ask is that you'll just try.
Live the life taken from them young.
It's all they wanted you to have done.
You have to learn from their mistakes.
These are the struggles life makes.
Her guitar rings out a final sound.
She doesn't want her baby sister down.

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